RESET Your Thoughts “On Purpose”

Thinking of the phrase “on purpose” may conjure up negative thoughts. As a child, and even as an adult, you may have heard yourself saying “you did that on purpose.” While you may have been programmed to think this phrase was bad, it’s time to “RESET” your thoughts on this phrase and learn it is key to…

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Change: Threat or Opportunity?

Basic animal nature mandates that we see any change in our lifestyle or environment as a problem.  If we then view that problem as a threat, our fight or flight instincts will engage. Change is inevitable. It is occurring around us all the time. Rather than seeing each problem as a threat, see it as…

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Building Trust to Create Change

Whether it’s in the workplace or in our personal lives, trust is key for strong relationships. To brew good chemistry comes down to getting to know one another. It is never as simple as merely spending time around a person; after all, hundreds of couples get divorced every year, saying after it’s all over, “I…

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Systems Check Take A Personal Inventory

Take inventory of yourself as you go through your day. – Mary Elizabeth Murphy, RESET Your Buttons Are you ready to improve your response time while reducing your reactions, or worse yet, your over-reactions? Take time today and do a systems check. It is your personal inventory. A few moments to notice what you are…

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