02 Realistic Resolutions Pt. 2 – Get Into the Groove

Are you in a groove or a rut? Listen as RESET Your Buttons® author Mary Elizabeth Murphy joined by her special guests Linda Herrick and Gary Erdakos continue to explore the concept of Realistic Resolutions. Instead of being in a rut learn how to be in the groove. Sit back, relax and find your rhythm. Who knew it could be so simple.




Show Notes:

  • How words push our buttons
  • Getting out of the rut by creating a groove
  • Repeated patterns and words that serve
  • Stopping smoking is easy the trick is not to start again
  • Find a workaround for your beliefs
  • It’s as simple as 5 to 1
  • Break patterns and walk down another street
  • And much more…


Significant quotes:

“Improvise, Adapt, Overcome,” Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge”

“I walk down another street” Portia Nelson

Links Mentioned:



Getting Into the Groove

Portia Nelson



  1. Cate Matijevich on January 27, 2018 at 9:27 pm

    Terrific episode 2. I thoroughly enjoyed the part Linda mentioned about changing surrounding habits to support the new groove. A simple way we can incorporate this is with good old post-it’s! One the mirror, reminding you to use a different hand to brush your teeth. One the fridge, to remind you to grab a new water bottle. One on your desk, reminding you to get up once an hour and take 250 steps. Small changes help to make a difference. Looking forward to episode 3!

    • Mary Elizabeth Murphy on January 27, 2018 at 9:54 pm

      Thank you Cate for adding your ideas. Great use of low tech reminders for those surrounding habits to support the new groove. I love it!