How Resistance Impacts Focus

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    How does nervousness impact focus? When our amygdala is activated, which happens anytime we pause or hesitate we risk losing focus. The Amygdala is there to protect us from harm. It alerts our bodies for fight, flight or freeze. So when we hesitate or feel nervous or anxious it pokes it’s head up and says “what’s here?” When this happens we naturally (our body – internal system) wants to calm down so it begins to engage in what will calm us – move us away from what is the perceived threat.

    Here are a couple of links to You Tube Videos with Barbara Sher looking at it through her lens.

    Part 1 .56 seconds

    Part 2 2:37 minutes

    Play with this today – notice when hesitation or nervousness takes you away from the thing you were focused on doing or didn’t even begin. How is resistance getting in your way of accomplishing your goals? Please share with us.

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