Check In from Audra

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    Audra Esposito

    Greetings all!
    Since i could not be on the call for 11/18, I wanted to share my tasks/successes from the past week.

    I had two productive networking meetings this week, and with my work schedule beginning to wind down for the semester some energy a couple of additional evenings to search for positions.

    My tasks for this sprint week were to:organize/document my contacts & meetings, continue to connect with 1-2 people a week through the end of the year, upgrade to the premium version of Linked In to gain more access to information in the job search feature of the platform, and find out more about the foundation center activities and identify something I can participate in some way.

    I started an excel document, but did not like how I formatted it, so I drafted a different layout and I think the second one will be allow me to pull information from it more easily. Done!

    I also looked into the premium version of Linked In – so I can see salaries for jobs posted through LI…but will wait to pull the trigger in December due to financial constraints most immediately. I have found an alternative in the meantime…Glassdoor displays salaries for job titles when you create a free account. I’ve had that account for a while and used it this last week and found this treat…so it’s been helpful. 1/2 Done (brought through another resource at the same time)

    Continued meetings – have one phone call scheduled for next week, and dinner scheduled with a contact the week after Thanksgiving. Done!

    Foundation Center – still have not dug any deeper into offerings and training beyond last week’s findings of online & in person trainings & location in ATL.

    Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving…looking forward to connecting on 12/9.


    Hello Audra,

    Thank you for the check in and the update. Whew, you were busy. Congratulations on keeping the momentum going.
    Is there anything you would like us to brainstorm with you?

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