RESET Your Buttons® Tuesday, November 12 Workshop, Embassy Suites by Hilton, Concord, North Carolina
- Are you feeling overwhelmed by life, constantly trying to reshuffle your daily allotment of 1440 minutes so that you have more ta-dones instead of your endless list of to do's?
- Does it seem as though you are walking across a mine-field when you interact with others, always trying to find the right combination of words so that eyes don't roll or emotional explosions don't occur?
- Have you been looking for the "what's next" directional signal for your life, only to find roadblocks and detour signs?
- Are you interested in increasing productivity while having more fun at work?
- Would your team benefit from learning how to disagree better?
Too often we find ourselves taking what others do or say personally as if they somehow have planned a personal attack. Their words or behaviors push our buttons. When this happens, it reduces our ability to think clearly and confidently or act productively.
We attempt to avoid the conflict or hope it will just go away. However, not addressing communication issues usually only leads to more unresolved conflicts which ultimately create cultures filled with tension, chaos and often drama. This drama only serves to distract and ultimately demotivate. No one wants to work or be in a relationship with angry, argumentative people or deal with passive-aggressive behavior. Yet we do, every day.
The reality is, that most often people aren’t doing things to us as much as they are acting out of their own needs and motivations. People are motivated for their reasons, not our reasons. Everyone has their own set of buttons that once identified can be more easily RESET. But first, we must recognize what first pushed the button.
Was it an unmet expectation? Perhaps a colleague, friend or family member doesn’t do things the way you do. Or maybe the topics have just gotten too difficult to discuss and so instead of dealing with it – you decide to avoid it altogether. But it doesn’t go away – because the button is still pushed. Culture is created by what we are willing to tolerate. What are you tolerating?
November 12th Mary Elizabeth Murphy author of the book RESET Your Buttons® will lead a workshop on how to apply her proven tips, techniques and tools to the situations that most impact your life.
Learn how to RESET Your Buttons in your personal or professional life. Discover ways to move from where you are to where you want to be at work, at home, in all your relationships.
Our RESET Your Buttons community is growing and you are invited to join us at the Embassy Suites by Hilton in Concord, NC. Imagine a community of like-minded individuals who are moving from surviving to thriving.
Don't Miss this Opportunity
Are you ready to be in relationships of support, kindness, curiosity and accountability? Stop the chaos, confusion and drama register right here, right now.
Tic Toc Don't Miss Out the Workshop Starts in ...
Why should you join us for the RESET Your Buttons® Workshop?
Because you are ready for something new in your life.
Because you want to be in a safe space to ask questions and learn from the wisdom in the room.
Because you want to improve the quality of your relationships professionally or personally.
Because you are ready to take yourself, your relationships, your team, or organization to the next level.
Because you are tired of listening to the blaming and complaining and you want to be inspired again.
Learn this and more:
Connect LIVE with Mary Elizabeth Murphy as she shares stories, facilitates the community conversation and teaches you how to use the RESET Your Buttons principles to navigate through the obstacles and challenges you face.

About Mary Elizabeth:
Mary Elizabeth Murphy is the CEO and owner of S.T.A.R. Resources, a Strategic Learning Partner Firm and author of “RESET Your Buttons™”, (Sept. 2009, Authorhouse). She is an award winning business owner, consultant, certified coach and facilitator who has dedicated over 25 years to teaching individuals and teams practical solutions to age old problems, She leads teams and individuals to achieve success both at work and at home. Learn more at www.starresources.biz and www.resetyourbuttons.com.
Questions? Get some answers.
Who should attend?
You - if you are an individual seeking a path, a community, or a change in your life. Or if you are interested in learning ways to improve your relationships personally or professionally.
You - if you are a staff member, manager, team leader, CEO, Executive Director who is interested in improving the cohesion, productivity, or culture in their organization.
How do I register more than me?
You may register one additional person from your organization for free - fill out a second form so that we have names and email addresses. (contact info needed to send out the assessment link and bonuses).
Bonus available at the workshop for those who bring a friend or colleague. Each pair will receive a free relationship report following the workshop.
I am in transition is this still a fit?
Our community has retired folks, stay at home parents, managers, staff, small business owners, many who are in transition or considering a transition.
RESET Your Buttons is about just that - how to RESET something that may no longer be working for you or how to RESET during a transition in your life.
Join us for the workshop. If you don't feel as though it's a fit, we will understand and sincerely support your decision. It's how we roll.
I'm still not sure can I talk to a human?
Absolutely! Please call 704-535-5610. If a human doesn't pick up when you call, we will promptly call you back (please leave a name and phone number) and happily answer any further questions.
If you have any technical issues or have further questions, send us an email at help@starresources.biz. We will get back to you within 24 hours.